Second World Health Qigong Day 8 September 2018
- Posted by taichi
- On September 8, 2018
- 0

2nd World Health Qigong Day – 8th September 2018
Date Countdown: Http://Ihqfo.Org/En/Index.Php
The Motto: Of World Health Qigong Day Is: “健身气功 养生之道“, ”Health Qigong – A Way To Healthy Life”
Host: Chen Chuang, Director of China Culture Centre
Co-organisers: Tai Chi Qigong Association of Australia and Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Society of Australia
Opening Ceremony: 10am – 11.30am @ China Culture Centre, lv1, 151 Castlereagh St. Sydney 2000
Program: Director of China Culture Centre announce the 2nd World Health Qigong Date start
Introduce: VIPs
Demostration: Health Qigong performance
Arrival Time: 9.30-10.00am, late arrivals not admitted.
Performance: 1.00-2.00pm Health Qigong Demonstration at Bradfield Plaza, Milsons Point NSW 2061 with Sydney Opera House across the Harbour in the background
Health Qigong Program:
八段锦 8 piece Broadcade, 导引养生12法 12 healing Chi, 易筋经 Yi Jinjing, 12段锦 12 brodcade, 6字诀 6 secret words
Group demostration: 6 minutes: Tai Chi, Health Qigong, Qigong, show whatever you are best to the public
Uniform Code: All performeres are required to wear Tai Chi Uniform in white colour, group leaders wear different colours Tai Chi Uniform.
Who should attend
Performers, Teachers, Tai Chi or Qigong instructors, Tai Chi Schools, Health Practitioners, Chinese Medicine Doctors, Nature Therapy, practitioners, Tai Chi Qigong & Yoga Practitioners, Fitness Instructors, Personal Trainers, Physiotherapists, Masseurs are most welcome to bring your team to participate in the event. For those People who want to relax and experience Health Qigong, please stand at the back to follow the performers as directed.
Why health qigong?
Part of the aim of the day is to “Pass the torch” – I teach you health qigong for a healthy life to your loved ones“ – Let us meditating, breathing align with nature together, to become free from stress, sickness, medicine pollution, and establish a healthy life style for sickness prevention”
Health Qigong represents one of the essential elements of traditional Chinese Medicine Culture, for the prevention and healing of chronic diseases.
When practicing Health Qigong, the body structure aligns with nature, and by listening to what the body is telling you, the mind achieves calmness: as the body is softly stretched, and by moving to the most relaxing music, the breathing achieved harmony with the rythms of nature’s breathing. Once this harmony balance is achieved, where the diseases come from?
“Health Qigong Day welcome you!
Note: Media are invited, for those people who do not want to be shown in public, please stay behind.
Booking essential: https://www.taichi365.com.au/contact