Health Qigong has a series of Qigong exercises has been practised for thousands of years, which is accepted as international standard qigong for health. Health Qigong is credited by Chinese Health Qigong Association, Tai Chi Fitness Australia Qigong instructors courses, Tai Chi Fitness Association of Australia, Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Association of Australia.
The health Qigong is a health and fitness exercise which has been inherited from Chinese Traditional medicine from ancient China for thousands of years. Many forms are created by ancient herbalists through their knowledge of acupuncture meridians. Nowadays modern science researches have approved that it is one of the best alternative medicines, can help people not only relaxed, but healing. The series of health Qigong features extended, soft and regular movements displaying a graceful charm, and it puts focus on the turning and flexing of the spine, thus invigorating the limbs and internal organs. Practise health Qigong is simple, easy for everyone to practise. It has very impressive effects on the respiratory system, flexibility, balance and muscular strength.
Stress is the root causing all sorts of chronic diseases. Practising Qigong will help the practitioners to achieve the highest level of relaxation. Once you are relaxed your body functioning the best with its metabolism, includes: digestive system, cardiovascular system, lung system, hormone system, endocrine system and nervous system, therefore it can prevent and cure diseases.
Practitioner is required to keep his or her mind, body and spirit totally relaxed with a regulation of movements connecting with nature which includes, focus your mind, relaxed your body with natural regulation of frequency of nature breathing, once you have achieved to this status of serenity, you are building energy within, the power comes. Then you are enjoying the highest level of harmony balance in living. You are feeling the vibration of energy running through your body meridians like ripples running along the river. As the energy is cultivating and accumulating, it turns the wave in the sea, you are breathing with nature as one. It is energy self healing and balancing, you are hearing, sensing, feeling, tasting, blessing, touching by the Symphony power of the beauty of nature.
Qigong has been practiced for over 4000 years. Health Qigong 6 secret words (Liu Zijue) can be chased back from Herbalist Doctor Sun Simiao started in the 600 BC, “drinking chi, healing disease”. Health Qigong 5 animal, were created by very famous Doctor Hua Tuo from Dong Han Dynasty.
Health Qigong successfully help millions of people recover from their sickness through 100% nature healing.